Emma By Jane Austen
Austen - Her World
By john plummer
Although there are alot of things happening around austens life she hardly mentions them in her books or short stories
Tuesday, April 08, 2003Austen - Her World
Austen was born and the end of the 18th century and died at the beginning of the 19th. This period of time was one of great changes for europe and england too. In austens life were both the french revolution and also the napoleonic wars. Funny though she hardly mentions either of them. The battle of Waterloo in 1815 took place only two years before her death. Also the united states declared independance and there was a war in India.
austens peaceful country life was being threatened and she had a strong interest in all these things but hardly touches on them in her novels. She has a preference to talk about the lives of her characters to show how they make mistakes and develop a better understanding of themselves.