Emma By Jane Austen 

part 2 - Activities

By John plummer
Friday, April 11, 2003


Page 38 - 1

A/ False - Mr Elton is already half in love with Emma but Emma is so  busy trying to control Harriets life that she only sees what she wants to see and not the reality

B/ True - Emma thinks that she can find a more suitable husband for Harriet and isnt bothered about Harriets feelings in theis matter

C/ True - Mr Knightley thinks that they would be a perfect match because Harriet is pretty and kind and Mr martin is sensible, sincere and a natural gentleman although Emma thinks differently

D/ True - Mr Eltons riddle is a declaration of love for Emma not Harriet

E/ This question cant be answered as yet because we have really no idea from the text so far as to how intelligent Harriet really is

F/ False - She broke the lace on purpose so they could enter Mr Eltons house to try to get Harriet to have a look around the place

G/ True - although Frank has written to his father saying he will visit them, his aunt is a very stuborn old lady who will make it very difficult for him to visit his father

H/ False - Mr Elton shows no emotions when he is told that Harriet is feeling unwell



  1. Hmmmm, i think not because Emma will not feel happy now she has no one to try to control and she cant really play up to Mr Elton as she is beginning so see that her plan isnt working properly
  2. No Mr Elton will not marry Harriet because he has his heart set on another person
  3. No i dont think he will because his aunt will find any way she can to prevent him from visiting his father
  4. Mr Martin will find it very hard to forget Harriet, just reading Mr Knightleys description of him tells us that he will be under her spell for quite a while




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